February 15, 2022 12:34 AM

Tips for a big year in 2022

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As the saying goes: New year, new me! But what does that mean for your brand?

How to make 2022 a big year for your brand

As the saying goes: New year, new me! But what does that mean for your brand? Heading into 2022, many brands are hoping to have an even bigger and better year than the one before. But how? There’s the cross your fingers and wish on a Christmas star method, or try a little bit of planning and watch it go a long way. Here are a few of our favorite tips to help your brand reach its best year yet.

‍Take one last look at 2021

We know, we know, no one wants to look back when the new year has so much possibility — but going over your previous marketing plan can provide you with crucial data when planning for the year ahead. Review what worked and what didn’t work for your brand in 2021. Did you meet all your goals? Is there something you would do differently? This data can help you make informed decisions so you don’t end up reusing ideas that didn’t turn out as you hoped.

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However you plan to put your best foot forward next year, we wish you and your brand all the success and happiness in 2022!

Consider something new

Who doesn’t love seeing their brand on a billboard or in a magazine? We get the appeal — and those are tried and true methods in marketing for a reason. They were once considered staples, just like email marketing campaigns and paid Facebook ads are today. So what’s next? Grab an umbrella because user-generated content on TikTok and Instagram has been making quite the splash. If you’ve been watching competitors or brands you aspire to be hopping on that bandwagon, it might be time to dip your toe in!

Work with experts

Why do consumers trust your brand? They likely view you as specialists in your field. The same concept applies to creating your marketing plan. Put the future of your brand in the hands of marketing experts. If you think about the most successful brands in the world, they all likely have a designated marketing team working with them. Why? Because offering a great product or service is not always enough. It needs to be seen by the right people at the right time — and that’s what our team at Mattered does best! We specialize in formulating a brand strategy and digital marketing tactics tailored to your brand’s unique goals and needs.

However you plan to put your best foot forward next year, we wish you and your brand all the success and happiness in 2022!

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Today most people get on average 4 to 6 hours of exercise every day, and make sure that everything they put in their mouths is not filled with sugars or preservatives, but they pay no attention to their mental health, no vacations, not even the occasional long weekend. All of this for hopes of one day getting that big promotion.

Coventry is a city with a thousand years of history that has plenty to offer the visiting tourist. Located in the heart of Warwickshire.


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Samantha Morrissey
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